New Delhi: WhatsApp used to do so for you an important news has come. Facebook said, WhatsApp of users to the new Terms and Policy to be implemented is decided. In India users on January 5 from the WhatsApp on the new terms except to the notifications began to come in. If you have it within the next two days except not so WhatsApp is not running will find.
8 January is the deadline
The information obtained according to the WhatsApp users late Tuesday evening from the new policy apply to the message began to come in. The new terms to accept, or later accept to the same option has been given. Ie they don’t acknowledge option is not. If you new terms on January 8 to accept if you don’t WhatsApp don’t run will find.
What is the new policy
WhatsApp’s new rules and the terms and conditions stated in the now that your data to Facebook (Facebook) and Instagram (Instagram) as social media with more interest will be. IE now WhatsApp data from Facebook and Instagram can also be used in May be.
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WhatsApp can use your data
You now always will take care of that on WhatsApp uploaded to every photo or video on the internet now also be used. The new conditions in clean stated that ‘our services operate to you WhatsApp, which content you upload, submit, store, send or receive, they use, reproduced, distribute, and display to worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to attach.’