New Delhi: Gold, Silver Rate Update, 06 January 2021: two consecutive days of sharply after gold prices today is softening. MCX gold and silver today than a quarter of a percent of fall are showing.
Yesterday gold volatility in the show
MCX Gold: Monday 1200 bucks and Tuesday 300 bucks faster to get gold MCX February futures, two days at 1500 Rs per 10 grams to be more expensive than already is. But today gold prices softening has seen. Gold on Tuesday, 311 bucks for macro 51720 Rs per 10 gram level to close at had. Gold said on Tuesday 51780 Rs intraday high made so 51333 the bottom level is also touched.
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Today gold softening
Today gold prices softening has. MCX gold February futures 160 rupees per 10 grams, with a decline of open. Expressions now also 51560 rupees per 10 grams on trade are.
MCX Silver: talk-silver then, on Monday, silver 3 percent stronger than through 70180 Rs per kg at the level of the stop occurred. On Tuesday, silver Rs 800 from much faster to close. Silver said on Tuesday 70963 Rs intraday high touched.
Silver sell-off
Today MCX on silver March futures 550 Rs per kg more than with the fall of is open. At the moment the expressions 70300 above are. But the silver in the fall grew so yesterday been earning All The Edge will go to waste.
Your city in the gold-silver quote
Let’s take a look are four metro cities in 10 grams of 24 carat gold a sense of what is going on, according to the
10 grams gold price
City Gold expressions
Delhi 54,700
Mumbai 51,320
Kolkata 53,260
Chennai 52,950
Now there are these four metro cities in the 1 kg price of Silver what is the. according to the
1 kg silver expressions
City price of silver
Delhi 70,200
Mumbai 70,200
Kolkata 70,200
Chennai 74,500
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