New Delhi: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan (Amitabh Bachchan) of a photo on social media plenty of Bang Ban is. Big B of these photo Ladakh (Ladakh) is. This photo themselves: who your social media handles have to stock up on. In this photo Amitabh winter Gere wearing eye are coming. Looking at them the feeling that perhaps she Skiing are ready to.
Winter outfits in look like Amitabh
Amitabh (Amitabh Bachchan) in this photo monkey cap and white jacket wearing are visible. Additionally he snow sports goggles also are planted. Hands in the olive green colour of the girls also are wearing. Amitabh this photo of the people plenty are like. As well as Bollywood star Amitabh this photo on plenty of reaction are also giving.
Big B has done these tweets
This photo was posted on Big B (Amitabh Bachchan) wrote, ‘T 3774 – …law and has returned… -33 degrees…all these also me cold from Save not found.’ Amitabh of photos to see the cold idea can be planted. Amitabh photo in a are looking. Photo captions from Know is that Amitabh Bachchan Ladakh were and your flying visit to meet they back also come. The captions are also going to find is that Amitabh is quite cold outside.
T 3774 – … went to Ladakh and back .. minus 33 degrees .. even this could ot save me from the cold .. !!
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) January 5, 2021
The old days Amitabh did remember
A note, also on Instagram, Amitabh (Amitabh Bachchan) its an old photo also is posted. Their These photo their days of youth, when they in Moscow were. Photo by looking idea that can be tracked Amitabh of how many loved ones are. Their autographs and photo for crowds of people accumulated had been. This photo’s caption in Amitabh wrote, ‘Moscow, Soviet Union…1990’s early days.’
Please tell, Amitabh Bachchan (Amitabh Bachchan) came on the day some post. They’re on social media quite active live and attached himself to the memorable things they Your fans share with you. Amitabh of these photos also their for quite the memorable look.
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